Social scheduling with SmarterQueue just got more powerful.
At SmarterQueue, our aim has always been to help you be more efficient with your time. We aim to help you plan ahead so you can create brilliant social media strategies.
As you know, SmarterQueue allows you to create a balanced content plan with Categories for your different content types, setting weekly Timeslots for each Category. You add content to each Category, safe in the knowledge that your posts will go out on autopilot, according to your Posting Plan. You can also choose specific dates if you need to, for time-sensitive campaigns, events, or promotions.
Today, we’re building on these features to ensure you have even more precise control of your social scheduling. We’re making it easier to schedule when you want, how you want with new Power Scheduling features in SmarterQueue. We’re also making it easy to schedule posts as you browse the web with the SmarterQueue Chrome Extension.
NEW: Calendar Repeat 🕑
You’ve always been able to schedule a post for a specific date and have it recycle automatically according to your Posting Plan. Now, we’ve added the capability to have posts recycle according to calendar time frames instead: days, weeks, or years.
This gives you more precise control and visibility of when your posts are republished, without having to adjust your Posting Plan.
Here’s an example:
For this example, we’re giving away a prize every day for a week –– a seven-day burst of activity. Before, you’d have needed to manually set seven dates for each post to go out, or create a new Category and Timeslots specifically for this campaign.
Now, you can simply schedule the first iteration, and then choose a pattern for it to recycle: in this case, every day.
Of course, you can add Variations to your posts to switch up your media and captions. For this campaign, we’ll create seven images and seven captions, to reflect the different prizes offered each day.
As before when setting up your posts to recycle, you’re able to specify whether you’d like the post to expire. For this particular example, we could either choose it to post seven times in total, or to expire on the last day of the campaign.
Easy, huh?
NEW: Multi-Date Social Scheduling 📆
If you have a post you’d like to go out on specific dates, you can now also specify multiple dates when scheduling the post, rather than relying on it repeating according to your Posting Plan.
This is great if you know there are specific events coming up that you’d like to coordinate content with. You can queue all your posts at once rather than having to create a new one each time. It’s as simple as clicking ‘add another date’ and you’re set!
Again, you can use Variations to switch up the media or caption each time the post is published.
Promoting Blog Posts with Multi-Date Social Scheduling
Let’s say you’ve just created a timely new blog post. You’re proud of it, it’s a good one! It’s wise to give new blog posts some extra promotion at the beginning of their lifecycle, while they’re fresh for your audience. To ensure your blog post has the best chance of being seen, you can now easily give it a bit of extra promotion during the beginning of its life with multi-date scheduling.
Let’s post this three times over the next three days to get it going:
You’ll notice that you can then choose to ‘recycle after the last post’, so after its three scheduled first posts, it’ll start recycling according to your Posting Plan.
This gives you the best of both worlds: a quick burst of promotion when your blog post is first published, before it naturally falls into its Evergreen Recycling rhythm as per your Posting Plan. This will ensure your new posts get the attention they deserve!
Pro Tip: For the first three posts, we’ve experimented with times to see whether morning, afternoon or evening performs best.
So, SmarterQueue now lets you schedule and recycle posts even more precisely, according to your needs. How will you be using these new features in your social scheduling? Log in or sign up for a free trial now and try scheduling a post for yourself!